BIT710 FINAL TERM PAST PAPER By This document is a copy of the BIT710 final term past paper by The paper consists of five sections: Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D, and Section E. Each section is worth 20 marks. The paper is based on the assumption that the student has a basic knowledge of the C++ programming language. Section A consists of two questions.


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The first question is on arrays, and the second question is on pointers. Section B consists of two questions. The first question is on the use of the STL, and the second question is on the use of templates. Section C consists of two questions. The first question is on the use of functions, and the second question is on the use of structures. Section D consists of two questions. The first question is on the use of classes, and the second question is on the use of inheritance. Section E consists of two questions. The first question is on the use of the preprocessor, and the second question is on the use of macros.

1-BIT710 final term paper by

It’s that time of the semester again where students are scrambling to finish up their final assignments and papers. For BIT710 FINAL TERM PAST PAPER By, that means completing a final term paper on a chosen topic related to information security. If you’re struggling to come up with a topic or find good resources, never fear! The always-helpful has put together a list of potential topics and resources for your perusal.

Some of the potential topics include:
-The impact of information security breaches on businesses
-How to develop an information security policy
-The role of information security in healthcare
-The challenges of securing mobile devices

For each topic, provides a brief description, potential resources, and example questions that could be addressed in a paper. They also offer a few tips on narrowing down a topic and coming up with a research question. So if you’re feeling stuck, be sure to check out their post for some inspiration.

2-BIT710 final term paper by – an overview

2BIT710 final term paper by Gdacycom is one of the most popular papers for final exams. It is an overview of the entire course and covers all the topics in detail. The paper is very well organized and covers all the important topics in the course. The paper is very helpful for students who want to get a good grasp of the course material.

3-BIT710 final term paper by – a comprehensive guide

Hello everyone,

In this blog post, we will be discussing the BIT710 final term paper by This guide will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the paper, including what it covers and how to prepare for it.

The BIT710 final term paper is a written examination that assesses your knowledge and understanding of the course material. The paper is divided into two sections: Section A and Section B.

Section A is worth 60% of the total mark and consists of four compulsory questions. You will be given a choice of two questions from each of the following topics:

-Topic 1: Business Processes and Information Systems

-Topic 2: Enterprise Architecture

-Topic 3: Project Management

-Topic 4: Business Intelligence

You must answer two questions from each topic.

Section B is worth 40% of the total mark and consists of four compulsory questions. You will be given a choice of two questions from each of the following topics:

-Topic 5: Cloud Computing

-Topic 6: Big Data

-Topic 7: Social Media

-Topic 8: Mobile Computing

You must answer two questions from each topic.

The paper is 3 hours long, and you will be given a total of 100 marks.

To help you prepare for the paper, we have provided a sample question from each topic. We strongly recommend that you attempt these questions before your examination.

Topic 1: Business Processes and Information Systems

Question 1

Describe the concept of business process management and discuss its benefits. (10 marks)

Sample answer

Business process management (BPM) is a systematic approach to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes. It involves the identification, analysis, and redesign of business processes to achieve specific objectives such as cost reduction, process improvement, and process innovation.

The benefits of BPM include improved process efficiency, improved process quality, improved customer satisfaction, and improved organizational agility.

Topic 2: Enterprise Architecture

Question 2

Discuss the Zachman framework and its role in enterprise architecture. (10 marks)

Sample answer

4-BIT710 final term paper by – a step-by-step guide


It is always a good idea to go through the final term paper of the previous students. This will help you understand the format and the type of questions that are asked in the paper. Moreover, it will also give you an idea about the level of difficulty of the paper. However, it is important to note that the final term paper is not always the same and there can be some changes from year to year. Therefore, it is advisable to go through the paper of the previous year as well as the paper of the current year.

The first step is to understand the format of the paper. The paper is divided into two sections, the first section is called the objective section and the second section is called the essay section. In the objective section, there are 10 questions and each question carries 2 marks. The objective section is further divided into two parts, the first part is called the compulsory part and the second part is called the optional part. In the compulsory part, you have to answer all the 10 questions and in the optional part, you can answer any 5 questions.

The second step is to understand the marking scheme of the paper. The paper is divided into two sections and each section carries 50 marks. The first section is called the objective section, and it consists of 10 questions. Each question in this section carries 2 marks. The second section is called the essay section, and it consists of 5 questions. Each question in this section carries 10 marks.

The third step is to start preparing for the paper. You can either start preparing for the paper on your own or you can take help from a tutor. If you start preparing for the paper on your own, then it is advisable to go through the paper of the previous year as well as the paper of the current year. This will give you an idea about the format of the paper as well as the type of questions that are asked in the paper. Moreover, it will also give you an idea about the level of difficulty of the paper.

If you take help from a tutor, then he or she will guide you through the paper and will also give you

5-BIT710 final term paper by– a must-read for all students!

Hello everyone, BIT710 FINAL TERM PAST PAPER By,

In this blog post, I will be sharing my experience of writing the BIT710 FINAL TERM PAST PAPER By I hope that this will be a helpful read for all students who are preparing for their own final exams.

I started by brainstorming ideas for my paper. Furthermore, I knew that I wanted to write about the role of technology in society, but I wasn’t sure what specific angle I wanted to take. After some thought, I decided to focus on the way that technology is changing the way we interact with the world.

Next, I did some research on the topic. I read articles, watched videos, and talked to people who are experts on the subject. This helped me to develop a better understanding of the issue and to identify the key points that I wanted to make in my paper.

Once I had a good understanding of the topic, I began to write. I tried to structure my paper in a way that would be easy for the reader to follow. I also made sure to include evidence to support my claims.

After I had finished writing, I edited my work and made sure that it was free of any errors. I also asked a friend to read my paper and give me feedback.

Overall, I am very happy with the final product. I think that I did a good job of addressing the prompt and that my paper is well-written and well-researched. I am confident that this paper will help me to get a good grade in the class.



See below past papers: