BIO301 FINAL TERM PAST PAPER BY BIO301 is a course offered by the University of Toronto that explores the structure and function of the human body. The course is divided into two parts: the first part covers the structure of the human body, and the second part covers the function of the human body. The course is taught by two professors, one from the Department of Biology and one from the Department of Physiology.


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1. Outline the general features of the cell cycle. (10 marks)
2. Discuss the role of mitosis in the cell cycle. (10 marks)
3. Describe the events of mitosis. (10 marks)
4. Outline the role of meiosis in the cell cycle. (10 marks)
5. Discuss the differences between mitosis and meiosis. (10 marks)
6. Describe the events of meiosis. (10 marks)
7. Outline the role of the spindle in cell division. (10 marks)
8. Discuss the role of the centrosome in cell division. (10 marks)
9. Discuss the role of the Golgi apparatus in cell division. (10 marks)
10. Outline the role of the nuclear envelope in cell division. (10 marks)

2- An Outline of the BIO301 Final Term Past Paper

BIO301 is a course about plants and their ecology. The final term paper covers topics such as plant identification, plant morphology, and plant ecology. The paper is worth 100 points and is due at the end of the term.

There are three sections to the paper:

1) Plant Identification (30 points)

In this section, you will be asked to identify 10 plants from a list of 20. You will be given a description of each plant, and you will need to correctly identify the plant from the description. This section is worth 30 points.

2) Plant Morphology (30 points)

In this section, you will be asked to answer questions about the structure of plants. You will need to know about the different parts of plants, and how they are adapted to their environment. This section is worth 30 points.

3) Plant Ecology (40 points)

In this section, you will be asked to answer questions about the ecology of plants. You will need to know about the different habitats of plants, and how they interact with their environment. This section is worth 40 points.

The paper is due at the end of the term, and it is worth 100 points.

3- The Main Points of the BIO301 Final Term Past Paper

The BIO301 final term paper is a three-hour written examination consisting of two sections, each worth 50 marks.

Section A: Essay-type questions

You will be required to answer two essay-type questions from a choice of four.

Section B: Multiple-choice questions

You will be required to answer 50 multiple-choice questions. Each question has four possible answers, only one of which is correct.

The examination tests your knowledge and understanding of the material covered in the course and your ability to apply this knowledge. In particular, it tests your ability to:

– analyse, interpret and evaluate experimental data

– understand and apply principles and concepts

– design and perform experiments

– communicate scientific information.

The examination is based on the lecture course and the practical work you have undertaken. The lecture course has covered the following topics:

– Cells: structure and function

– Enzymes: kinetics, inhibition and regulation

– Metabolism

– Cellular respiration

– Photosynthesis

– Mendelian genetics

– Population genetics

– Evolution

– Ecology.

In addition, you will have undertaken 12 laboratory practical classes and written a laboratory report for each one. The practicals have covered the following topics:

– Introduction to the microscope

– Cell structure

– Osmosis

– Diffusion

– Enzyme activity

– Measuring metabolic rates

– Respiration in yeast

– Photosynthesis

– Plant pigments and chromatography

– Mendelian genetics

– Population genetics

– DNA extraction and gel electrophoresis.

The essay questions will require you to demonstrate your ability to:

– analyse and interpret data

– apply principles and concepts

– design experiments

– communicate scientific information.

The multiple-choice questions will test your knowledge and understanding of the material covered in the course.

4- A Review of the BIO301 Final Term Past Paper

The BIO301 final term paper is a great review for students who are preparing for their upcoming biology exams. The paper is divided into sections, each of which covers a different topic. The first section covers cell biology, the second section covers genetics, the third section covers evolutionary biology, and the fourth section covers ecology. Each section contains a variety of questions that test the students’ knowledge of the material. The paper is an excellent way to review for the biology exams and to get a feel for the types of questions that will be on the exams.



Papers available on link above