Latest Leiden University Excellence Scholarship 2023-2024 By

Latest Leiden University Excellence Scholarship 2023 By Currently, the Leiden University Excellence Scholarship 2023 is accepting applications from international students for undergraduate and graduate programs. However, there are some requirements for those who are applying. Latest Leiden University Excellence Scholarship 2023 By


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Application deadlines:

During the year 2023, the Leiden University Excellence Scholarship (LExS) will be available for non-EU/EEA/non-EFTA* students who are enrolled in a full-time Master’s programme at the University of Leiden. This scholarship is for applicants who have a high level of academic success in their previous studies and are committed to a Master’s program at the University of Leiden. Latest Leiden University Excellence Scholarship 2023 By

Scholarship Summary:

  • Level of Study: Masters
  • Institution(s): Leiden University
  • Study in: Netherlands
  • Courses Offered: All Masters programs in the following Faculties:Humanities, Archaeology, Medicine/LUMC, Law, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Governance and Global Affairs, Science, Interfacultair Centrum voor Lerarenopleiding, Onderwijsontwikkeling en Nascholing (ICLON), African Studies Centre, International Institute for Asian Studies.
  • Program Period: The maximum study period for a 1-year program is 12 months. The maximum study period for a 2-year program is 24 months.
  • Deadline: 1 Feb for programmes starting 1 Sept / 1 Oct for programmes starting 1 Feb

In addition to the regular admission requirements, non-EEA/non-EFTA* nationals must also meet the following criteria. They must have a valid passport from a non-European Economic Area country. They must be able to show proof of sufficient funds for visa application. The minimum tuition fee for an LExS scholarship is EUR 15,000 for the duration of the programme.

Scholarship Coverage:

Leiden University Excellence Scholarship (LexS) provides the recipient with the following benefits:

  • € 15,000 of the tuition fee
  • € 10,000 of the tuition fee
  • Total tuition fee minus the statutory tuition fee

Applicants must also write a motivation letter explaining why they are applying for the LExS. The letter must be at least 500 words in length and should be uploaded with the application form. Latest Leiden University Excellence Scholarship 2023 By

Applicants must submit an online application to Leiden University. They must include the LExS in their scholarship section and must indicate which Master’s programmes they are applying for. They must also pay the application fee. Latest Leiden University Excellence Scholarship 2023 By

The application period for LExS scholarships is from 1st February until 1st October. Applicants are advised to apply early as places are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Applications that are late will only be considered if they can demonstrate exceptional circumstances. Latest Leiden University Excellence Scholarship 2023 By

Non-EEA LExS recipients must also provide proof that they have sufficient funds for their visa application. Moreover, they must confirm that they agree with the rules and regulations of the Leiden University Scholarship. Latest Leiden University Excellence Scholarship 2023 By

Applicants for the Leiden University Excellence Scholarship cannot combine this scholarship with other full scholarships from outside sources. If a student has been awarded a full scholarship from an external source, he or she must notify the Leiden University Scholarships Team. Latest Leiden University Excellence Scholarship 2023 By

The Lutfia Rabbani Foundation and Leiden University Fund have renewed their partnership for the 2021/2022 academic year. The partnership will continue to support excellent academic performance of non-European Union/European Free Trade Association countries. The maximum amount of the Lutfia Rabbani Foundation scholarship is EUR 30,000 for an academic year. The scholarship is strengthened by a mentoring programme that provides personal and professional guidance. Latest Leiden University Excellence Scholarship 2023 By Latest Leiden University Excellence Scholarship 2023 By

Eligibility criteria

Interested students can apply for Leiden University Excellence Scholarship 2023 if they are from non-European Economic Area/non-European Free Trade Association countries and want to start their full-time Master’s degree program at Leiden University. The scholarship is granted to exceptional students and provides an average of EUR 15,000 annually.

Applicants for the Leiden University Excellence Scholarship must have excellent academic results, excellent study results abroad, and must be in the top 10% of the student’s previous study programs. In addition, students must have an English language proficiency test. Exceptions include programs that require specific prior academic studies or work experience.

The Leiden University Excellence Scholarship is a full-fee scholarship. However, this does not guarantee a student a place on a programme. In order to be considered for a Leiden University scholarship, students must submit their applications before the LExS deadline. If they are awarded a scholarship, they must confirm their agreement to the terms and conditions of the scholarship, and to the rules and regulations governing the scholarship.

Aside from providing full-fee scholarships, Leiden University also offers a variety of scholarships to its international students. These scholarships include the DAAD Scholarship, which provides monthly payments for graduate and doctoral candidates. In addition, the Leiden University Excellence Award, a tuition-free scholarship, is provided to international students.

The Leiden University Excellence Scholarship awards tuition fee waivers to deserving and talented students. The scholarship provides an average of EUR 15,000 per year, and is provided for the entire period of the programme. This scholarship is only available for master’s degree programmes. It is not available for LLM Advanced Studies, the Master of Law Advanced Program, or the Master of Science in International Relations & Diplomacy.

To apply for the LExS, students must first complete an online application. They must specify clearly that they are applying for a LExS scholarship in their application. They will then be required to upload a 500-word motivation letter explaining why they are eligible for the LExS. They will also be required to pay the application fee if applicable. They must also complete the registration form. If they are selected for the LExS, they will be required to give evidence of sufficient funds for their visa application. They must notify the Scholarships Team of any external full-fee scholarships they have received.

Eligibility requirements for non-EU/non-EFTA students

Applicants who are wishing to apply for the Leiden University Excellence Scholarship 2023 have to meet a few requirements. These include an excellent academic record, outstanding study results overseas, and being among the top 10% of graduates in their country of origin.

Applicants from outside the European Union/European Free Trade Association (EEA/EFTA) will also need to satisfy specific requirements. These may include taking an English language test as part of their application. Applicants should check the website of the institution they wish to apply to before submitting their application.

The LExS scholarship is not a full scholarship and it is not offered to all students who have been admitted to a Master’s program at Leiden University. It is awarded on a pro rata basis and is only available to students who are registered full time at the university.

Non-EEA/non-EFTA nationals are eligible for the Leiden University Excellence Scholarship. Applicants must hold a passport from a non-EEA/non-EFTA country. In addition, the applicant must not have received a degree from a Dutch education institution. They will also need to provide proof that they have the financial means to support themselves during their studies. Applicants must note that they will not be able to access study loans or “Studiefinanciering” support in the Netherlands.

Leiden University offers scholarships in a variety of subject areas. The scholarship can cover a range of costs, including insurance and health care, as well as reducing the tuition fee to EUR2,143.

The Leiden University Excellence Scholarship is open to international students and aims to attract the best students to the Netherlands. It is a very prestigious scholarship and offers three levels of awards. The highest level is the LLM Advanced Studies, which is open to all nationalities. The other two levels are the MSc in International Relations and Diplomacy, which is open to all nationalities, and the MSc in International Relations, which is open to all nationalities. Latest Leiden University Excellence Scholarship 2023 By

The LExS scholarship is awarded for the duration of the Master’s program. It is not a permanent scholarship and it cannot be combined with other full scholarships from external providers. However, it can be combined with a partial scholarship from an external provider. Applicants must confirm their agreement to the terms and conditions in writing before receiving the award. Latest Leiden University Excellence Scholarship 2023 By

Requirements for international students

Currently, the Leiden University Excellence Scholarship is open to all prospective students from non-EEA/non-EFTA countries, who wish to study full-time at Leiden University. The scholarship is offered to students who have achieved excellent academic results in their previous studies. Latest Leiden University Excellence Scholarship 2023 By

The LExS program is available for all full-time Master’s programmes at Leiden University. The application deadline for September programmes is 1 February. It is not possible to apply for the LExS scholarship for the beginning of the next academic year, which begins in January. Latest Leiden University Excellence Scholarship 2023 By

Applicants need to show proof that they have sufficient funds for their visa. They must also meet the admission requirements of the Leiden University. For example, students who are applying for a Master programme that requires a specific prior master’s degree must prove that they have the required degree. Latest Leiden University Excellence Scholarship 2023 By

Applicants must also provide a PDF file of a motivation letter stating why they would like to participate in the LExS programme. The letter should be no longer than 500 words. The applicant is advised to submit the letter before the LExS application deadline. Latest Leiden University Excellence Scholarship 2023 By

The applicant must have a valid non-EEA/non-EFTA passport. The application must be made using the online application system at the Leiden University website. It is advised that applicants for more than one study programme indicate the LExS on each application. Latest Leiden University Excellence Scholarship 2023 By

Before applying for the scholarship, the applicant must submit a copy of their passport, which is issued by the GOV of their country. In addition, they must provide a transcript of their undergraduate degree in a relevant field. Latest Leiden University Excellence Scholarship 2023 By

Non-EEA/non-EFTA applicants should be aware that they may not be eligible for study loans in the Netherlands. Moreover, they should notify Leiden University of any external scholarships that they are awarded.

The Leiden University Excellence Scholarship is fully funded. It offers an average amount of EUR 15,000 per year. The scholarship is offered to outstanding international students who are enrolling in a full-time Master’s programme at Leiden University. In return, the student must take part in efforts to promote the scholarship. The student will be reimbursed the tuition amount minus the scholarship on a pro-rata basis.

Website Latest Leiden University Excellence Scholarship 2023 By

To know more about Leiden University Excellence Scholarships (LexS), please visit official website:


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